Monday, December 21, 2009

The Middle of Nowhere and the Rockies

We went to my uncle's house in Arizona a couple weeks ago and then drove up to San Diego (a very long drive in the backseat of a car with approximately five inches of horizontal legroom). The drive was so amazing- living in the Midwest you just don't see stuff like this. I took about 500 pictures and then my camera died. But I got some amazing shots of the end of the Rocky Mountains. These big boulders were stacked so precariously, I started wondering how they were first put like that. They reminded me of building blocks, like some big child king with the world as his playground. Weird, I know. Anyway, the pictures:
They have a kind of beauty that makes me sad- they feel corrupted to me.
Well in any case it gave me a lot to think about.
So to start a discussion- what scenery have you seen that has changed you in some way?